Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beat the Dead Horse Slowly

So the buyers have all taken their bags of money & hunkered down in front of the telly.
The sellers don't want to drop their prices.
The sellers drop their prices & the buyers stay with the telly.
You advertise more; which costs more.
But commissions are less.

Fridge conks.
Cicadas coming.
Beebleberry dies.
Electric rates up.
Toilet runs.
Pirates cooler than ninjas.
Identity stolen.

Security breach at the State license office.
Your social security number out there for 5 months, selling like , well certainly not like deal estate, like, um, hotcakes.

That's how those buyers got the giant telly in the first place.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ambulance Chasing

Okay well it's a step up from following little old ladies as they are transferred to nursing homes & leave that pristine bungalow just waiting for my lawn sign

How can the Chicago Olympic Bid benefit ME & by default Chicago Real Estate?

Please do not suggest I rent that movie with Jonny Crashville either

Friday, May 04, 2007

Outsider Art Chicago Stylee

Call it Atomic Age or Mid Century Modern - it's just Grandpa painting the garage door to me
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